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What Is Tax Resolution? Everything You Need to Know
Did you know that in 2019 more than 61 million people visited the IRS for assistance with handling their taxes? That is almost 20 percent...

Are My CARES Act Loans Taxable?
Did you receive CARES Act Loans? Are you worried they may be taxable and need guidance?

I Need My Money Now: The Tax Consequence of Early Withdrawals from Retirement Accounts
Let’s face it; life happens. It is almost inevitable that a situation will arise in which you will need a significant amount of money in...

Which Tax Professional Should I Choose: The Difference between a CPA, Enrolled Agent, and a Tax Atto
When faced with a tax issue, you want to make sure you select the right tax professional to resolve your problem. It’s just like choosing...

What If My Business Cannot Afford to Pay Employment Taxes: The IRS Trust Fund
You own a small business with a few employees. Business has been great in the past; but this month has not produced as much income as you...

Employment Tax Basics
If you are a business owner with employees, you are required to deposit and report employment taxes. The employment tax realm contains a...

When Should I Amend My Tax Return?
You are sorting through a pile of mail. You see an envelope that reads “2018 tax document.” You are now frozen with fear because you...

How to Choose a Tax Preparer
Lately, I have noticed an increase in clients whose tax returns have been incorrectly prepared. I have seen where some of the mistakes...

When Is It Too Late To Claim Your Federal Tax Refund?
Let’s continue the discussion from last week. Let’s assume that the IRS ended up filing substitute returns on your behalf. The substitute...

What Happens When I Don’t File A Tax Return: IRS Substitute For Return
Too often, people will file an extension for their federal tax return, but for reasons unknown, forget to file the return by the...

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